The Amadora City Council’s mission is to plan, organize and execute municipal policies in the fields of urban planning and public space, social and community intervention, education, environment, culture, and sport. Amadora City Council, also, assume the purpose of building a city centred on people, making Amadora a reference in the area of cohesion and social inclusion, but also a city prepared to face the challenges of competitiveness, innovation and modernity, within the framework of sustainable development. In order to pursue this vision, Amadora Municipality focus its activities on the following framework of values: 1) Inclusion; 2) Territorial cohesion; 3) Environmental sustainability; 4) Quality; 5) Efficiency; 6) Transparency; 7) Participation. The Municipality of Amadora hosts a multicultural population, with more than 100 nationalities represented in the territory. This fact corroborates the cultural diversity of the city, which is reflected in the activities of the local population.
In 2015, the Municipality of Amadora founded the project ‘Conversas na Rua’ (Talks in the Street), where, every year, artists from different art subjects intervene in the public space, dialoguing with the urban fabric, its specificities, identity, and memory. The project is already responsible for more than 45 artistic interventions, located at every parish, from more than 30 artists, most of them Portuguese. The Municipality of Amadora holds a network of partnerships with local cultural and artistic associations, namely, in theatre, cinema, dance and music. The Municipality keeps a prolific partnership with the Contemporary Dance Company, Quorum Ballet, who works at Amadora and it engages the local community to participate at their projects and activities. In the field of heritage, the Municipality hosts a programme, dynamized by the team of the Municipal Museum of Archaeology, directed towards the exploration and research about heritage, local history and archaeology.